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City Voices Support for Afghan Refugees

August 26, 2021 -- The City of Highland Park strives to be a welcoming, inclusive community in which these core values are integrated into our priorities and policies. City elected officials and staff have watched this dangerously complex evacuation of American citizens and allies in Afghanistan with deep sorrow. Today, that upheaval resulted in the tragic deaths of 72 people in a terror attack by the Islamic State at the Kabul Airport, including 12 United States service members. The City shares in the grief of their loved ones.

The City understands that the withdrawal of American troops and subsequent evacuation of American citizens and Afghan allies has been especially painful for those who have courageously served our country in Afghanistan, leading coalition forces in efforts to protect American national security and advance the interests of democracy for our Afghan allies. Members of our community are among those who have served in Afghanistan, and they merit compassion and care as they reconcile the goals of the missions they faithfully and honorably served with the tragic outcome we have observed over the last week.

It is imperative to support conviction with action, and to that end, Mayor Rotering today sent a letter to President Biden on behalf of our community, reiterating Highland Park’s support for continued evacuation efforts, and to welcoming Afghan refugees embarking on new lives in the United States. Highland Park is a community that is unwavering in its commitment to embracing all those who wish to call our city and our nation home.