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Annual City-Owned Building Testing

Annual City-Owned Building Testing
In 2016, Mayor Nancy Rotering initiated an annual program to test all City-owned buildings for lead even though there is currently no federal or state law requiring the testing of drinking water in public buildings. Testing is the best way for public organizations to know if there are elevated levels of lead in the drinking water and to quickly eliminate any potential problems.

This fall, the City of Highland Park, continuing with its commitment to provide safe drinking water, will begin the annual lead testing.  City staff will collect water samples from all City-owned buildings, and send to a certified laboratory to be tested for lead.  The City’s water production and distribution system meets or exceeds state and national standards and falls within United States and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) levels for safe use and consumption.  The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) action level for lead is 15 parts per billion at which point remedial action is recommended.  For those fixtures with unsatisfactory lead levels, City staff will turn off and cover the affected water fixtures as soon as confirmation is received.  The affected fixtures will be remediated or replaced.  The replaced water fixtures will be retested and won’t be turned back on until fully remediated. 

Final results for 2022.

Below are the sample results for previous years. 

For more information on the lead testing initiative, see our lead testing FAQ.