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Related Boards and Commissions

Planning and Economic Development staff serve as a resource to elected and appointed officials, and the community at-large. Additionally, the planning division staff serves to support the following commissions: 
  • Business and Economic Development Advisory Group   BEDAG reviews, advises, and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding projects undertaken in commercial, industrial and residential/office zoning districts.
  • Cultural Arts Advisory Group CAAG works to establish a presence in the community through programs such as the Cultural Arts Calendar, the Community Arts Access Grant Program, and the Mayor’s Award for the Arts.
  • Plan and Design Commission  The PDC makes recommendations to the City Council regarding land use development plans and oversees the preparation of regulations, plans, and programs pertinent to development within the City.  The PDC also reviews exterior changes requiring permits on non-single-family parcels.
  • Historic Preservation Commission  HPC reviews exterior alterations to landmarks or contributing properties in historic districts, and promotes community awareness of historic preservation.
  • Housing Commission  The Housing Commission encourages and engages in the development of low-and-moderate income housing.
  • Joint Plan Commission  JPC makes recommendations to the Highland Park City Council and Highwood City Council for land use development plans and related regulations at Fort Sheridan.
  • Sustainability Advisory Group SAG was established in 2011 as the Natural Resources Commission to provide recommendations on environmental and natural resource policies, regulations, ordinances, plans, and variations.
  • Zoning Board of Appeals   ZBA hears and decides upon applications for variations to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance as well as issues forwarded to it by the City Council.